We are pleased to announce the upcoming 'Walking with Spirit' tour in 2025. This tour will feature a range of and established and new venues across the UK and Europe with additional dates to be announced in due course. Our aim is to offer Gareth's exceptional psychic mediumship experience to a wider audience than ever before. Join us on this remarkable journey and witness the power of the spirit world at firsthand. We look forward to welcoming you at our shows..
Nu kan du boka eller köpa dina biljetter online! genom att klicka på showen. Biljettförsäljningen online upphör
@ 18:30 på showdagen. (Biljetter kan fortfarande finnas tillgängliga på natten i mån av tillgång)
* Observera: Du kan bli omdirigerad till lokalens biljettkontor för vissa shower.